|Online Event
How To Become Money Workbook
There are a lot of people who are trying desperately to change their money situation. This class is about how to BE Money!! Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself about what your points of view of money are?
Time & Location
2023年1月19日 7:30 – 2023年2月14日 8:30
Online Event
About the event
There are a lot of people who are trying desperately to change their money situation. This class is about how to BE Money!!
Every point of view that you have created about money creates the limitations and parameters from which you receive money.
Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself about what your points of view of money are?
You are the only one you are fooling if you are not willing to be honest with yourself! Is money fun and light for you?
Includes 2 calls a week for 5 weeks.
Class Pre-requisites: All participants must have a copy of the 'How To Become Money Workbook'
Starts 19th of January 7:30 am AEDT, 9:30 pm CEST
How To Become Money Workbook
Includes 2 calls a week for 5 weeks. All participants must have the How To Become Money Workbook with them in class.